Say Hello to a innovative, productive, creative, impactful, happy, balanced, engaged company

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Leaders Need to Drive Change

Leaders Need to Drive Change

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We are here to help you do so
Leaders Need to Drive Change

What we offer

We teach, inspire, challenge, guide and empower Business- and HR leaders to redefine work and organisational designs and embrace new ways of working We enable them to lead and drive the change towards a long-term, strategic advantage for their companies. Our programs are based on academic research and best practises, and are both effective and impactful. We believe in enabling change and creating a movement.

Organisational Design

We support leadership teams with strategic consultancy to help them redefine work and translate business strategies to effective organisational designs.

Mastermind: Leading HR in a Changed World

A 12 month Mastermind group enabling HR leaders to lead the strategic discussion and drive change towards new ways of working. A unique combination of working with a leading expert and the chance to reflect with vetted peers from around the world.

Leadership Program: Leading in a Changed World

We provide you with Remote-Friendly People policies, we offer expertise as Remote Employee Experience experts, or we coach your People Team for ongoing success and transformation

Workshops and Keynotes

We inspire audiences or companies with a talk or workshop - sharing our findings and giving practical tools to open up the conversation to drive change.
Say Hello to the future of work, say Hello to Monday
Say hello to us!
What we offer

Our story

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Let’s say Hello to Monday
Our story
Our founder

Our founder

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This is how I started exploring the future of work
About us
Exploring the future of work

Our online magazine

Rediscovering Ourselves, Rediscovering Work

Rediscovering Ourselves, Rediscovering Work

The pandemic has accelerated an undercurrent of rediscovering ourselves with will require us to rediscover work. We need to recognise this as such to be able to close the gap between what people need and the way companies operate in the...
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Forget About Team Building: The Six Most Important Skills For Managing Knowledge Workers

Forget About Team Building: The Six Most Important Skills For Managing Knowledge Workers

You are managing a team of innovative knowledge workers: highly educated professionals who are engaged in developing new products and services. Your organisation is operating in a dynamic and complex environment.   Its future depends on innovation and developing the right products...
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Will we all work 32 hours in 5 years time? 32 hour workweek survey

Will we all work 32 hours in 5 years time? 32 hour workweek survey

Based on our recent 32 hour workweek survey on Linkedin, most people think tech companies will move to a 32 hour workweek in the next 5 years. In this article I share the outcomes of the poll and some background information...
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Future of Work Leader or Future of Work Enthusiast? How to increase your influence.

Future of Work Leader or Future of Work Enthusiast? How to increase your influence.

Here in Hello Monday Club we come across a lot of people who are interested in The Future of Work. And why not, it is a fascinating topic, broad, pretty abstract and almost all of us worked at least a...
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