Educating the next generation of tech talent

The tech industry is rapidly growing, and HR directors of tech firms need to know how to attract the right talent for their organizations. If HR professionals don’t have a plan in place, their company could be losing out on top-notch candidates in the future. 

There are several ways to educate the next generation of tech talent. One of the top methods is to encourage the younger generation how to code. Coding can be learned at a young age, and if taught properly, it can help them have a successful career in tech.

Current Challenge HR Directors in Tech

As the tech sector grows, companies are looking for talented workers who can adapt to new technologies. There are thousands of jobs available today that require candidates to have technical knowledge in the tech field.

However, there is still a shortage of qualified workers to fill those positions. This means that no matter how difficult HR professionals try and look for candidates with relevant skills, they will find it hard to fill their vacancies. Because of this, HR directors need to do their part in preparing the next generation for the workforce. 

Coding as an Essential Skill for Future Tech Talents

Developing apps, websites, or programs that take advantage of technology has become increasingly important for the tech industry. Many big tech companies and startups look for qualified employees with coding skills. As a result, coding is becoming a more common skill that the next generation of tech talent should learn.

At its core, coding is learning problem solving using a programming language. It can be applied for different business operations such as data processing, securing health information, or creating software to automate processes. But coding involves more than just the application of technical skills. It can teach developers different life skills to help them be ready for the tech industry. 

Let’s take a look at the different soft skills that coding can help develop: 

  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Coding teaches children to think critically about problems and solutions. They need to solve complex problems by breaking down each step into smaller parts. This helps students understand different approaches to solving a specific issue. Problem-solving and critical thinking are essential skills that can be applied throughout their lives.

  • Creativity

Students can learn creativity when coding. They have to think outside the box and use their imagination to create new ideas. Since there’s no one-size-fits-all solution in coding, coding encourages students to explore multiple ways to complete a task. In addition, programming offers children a creative platform to express themselves. They have the freedom to design websites according to their liking, whether through a website’s layout or through adding dynamic website content.

  • Teamwork and Communication

Coding isn’t always an individual endeavor. It also requires teamwork. Children who learn to code early on are able to collaborate with other people to accomplish their goals. Good communication skills allow children to clearly explain their thoughts, preparing them for their future in the tech industry.

  • Patience

Learning how to code isn’t easy. The process takes time and patience. When something goes wrong in your code or when a bug develops, you must be patient enough to fix it. Children can practice patience through coding. As they encounter challenges with programming, they’re able to stay focused and continue working until the end goal is achieved.

Advantages of Teaching Kids Tech Skills

In addition to the soft skills mentioned above, both the company and HR professionals in the tech industry also benefit from teaching kids important tech skills. 

  • Diverse Workforce

Encouraging more diversity in the workforce is beneficial to employers. For example, a diverse workforce provides companies with broader perspectives and experiences. The essence of diversity in the workplace can also provide employees with a greater sense of belonging. As a result, employees who feel appreciated for their contributions will be more engaged and productive, leading to higher morale and improved employee retention.

  • Innovative Ideas

The tech industry thrives off innovation. Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve products and services. When children learn to code, they’re better prepared for the changes in the tech industry. As a result, future tech talents will have fresh ideas that could help companies become more innovative.

  • Lesser Employment Gaps

Employment gaps in the tech industry are a major concern. As mentioned earlier, there aren’t always enough tech professionals to fill all jobs. HR professionals who encourage children to learn to code will find it easier to close these employment gaps. There will be no shortage of qualified and talented candidates to fill positions.

  • Increased Productivity

Since candidates are already equipped and experienced with technical skills, companies don’t need to provide a lot of training. And when less time is spent on training new hires, it leads to more productivity. Additionally, when HR professionals hire candidates with excellent tech skills, new candidates can also teach those same skillsets to other employees at work.

Educate the Next Generation of Tech Talent With Juni

With all this said, HR directors need to find innovative ways to encourage tech learning among children. A great way to start children on the path to becoming future tech talents is by supporting their parents. With Juni for Employers, HR teams can support working parents in educating their children about the exciting opportunities available in tech today. 

Juni is an online learning platform that teaches kids different subjects such as coding. Juni for Employers helps HR teams can provide classes to the children of their employees. These classes are taught by instructors at top US universities, preparing children for a career in technology. Juni for Employers can also be an employee benefit that encourages young minds to pursue their passions.

The Bottom Line

An HR professional’s job doesn’t stop at hiring and onboarding new talent. It’s important to continue fostering a culture that encourages continuous learning among children. To do so, tech HR teams can encourage parents to teach their children about coding. There are different ways to educate the next generation of tech talent, including programs like Juni. With the proper preparation, children can have a successful career in tech.



This post is written by our friends at Juni Learning, an online learning platform that teaches skills for the real world.
Photo by Robo Wunderkind on Unsplash